+1 415 981 3400


We offer participation in a 401k plan to temporaries whom we classify as professional workers, are at least 21 years of age and have reached 1,000 hours of service during a 1 year period.

An employee will be eligible to participate in the 401k the first of the month coinciding with or next following the date the eligibility requirements are satisfied. You must work for McCall for one year and reach 1,000 hours of work during the first 1 year period following your first day of work for McCall. If you do not reach 1,000 hours of work, your eligibility period will reset to the current calendar year, beginning with January 1st and ending on December 31st.

If your employment terminates and you have a break in service of more than 90 days before you satisfy the service requirement to participate in the plan, you will be treated as a new hire upon your return to employment with us.

If you are interested in joining our plan once you have qualified, please contact our Plan Administrator at (510) 420-3747 Ext 4098.